We are continuing to operate leagues for all players of all abilities.
If you are interested in forming a league at Pequot Golf Club, please contact the Pro Shop.
Please come out and enjoy Pequot Golf Club.
Pequot Men’s Golf Association (PMGA)
The Pequot Men’s Golf Association conducts a full schedule of golf tournaments from April through October. Come out and enjoy the course and the great guys in the PMGA.
PMGA Dues: $120; $60 Pequot Club Members (USGA Handicap Service Included)
Tee Times: 7:00 a.m. In Season; 7:30 a.m. Spring and Fall
Weekly Event Fees: $11 Tournament Fees; $5 Optional Gross, Net Skins, $4 Closest to Pin. Some events may require an additional fee.
PMGA Officers: Marcus Cogman, Don Dias, Hamish McArthur, Hugh Stack and James Stack
Anyone interested should contact the Pro Shop at (860) 535-1898 to sign up or for additional information.
Click here to download a copy of the 2025 Schedule & Brochure when available.
PMGA Monday Night League
The PMGA Monday Night League is open to PMGA Members and conducts match play from April through September.
Every Monday night each 2-man team will play a better ball match (match play) against another 2-man team. The team that wins the match will earn 1 point. Each individual on the 2-man team will also play an individual match (match play) against an individual on the opposing team. The winner of that individual match will also earn 1 point. In the case of a tie after 9 holes, the two opponents would receive a half point. There will be flights by team handicaps.
PMGA Monday Dues: $70
Tee Times: 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. (later times available if necessary)
Weekly Event Fees: $5 Optional Gross Skins, Net Skins, CTP
Anyone interested should contact the Pro Shop at (860) 535-1898 to sign up or for additional information.
Click here to download a copy of the 2025 Schedule & Brochure when available.
Pequot Women’s Golf Association (PWGA)
The Pequot Women’s Golf Association conducts a full schedule of golf tournaments from April through October. The PWGA plays 18 holes every Tuesday. Each PWGA member receives an official USGA handicap and is eligible to participate in Tuesday events. Come out and enjoy the course and the great ladies in the PWGA.
PWGA Dues: $110, $60 Pequot Club Members (USGA Handicap Service Included)
Shotgun: 8:30 a.m.
Weekly Event Fees: $6
Anyone interested should contact the Pro Shop at (860) 535-1898, Ginny Katz (646) 286-2180, or Mary Fluet (203) 619-2109 to sign up or for more information.
Click here to download a copy of the 2025 Schedule when available.
No Name League
Open to any Woman or Man interested.
The No Name League conducts weekly Tuesday tournaments from April through October.
Informal League: Make your own groups. Play as much or as little as you want.
Need USGA Handicap $50 (Available in Pro Shop)
Tee Times: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Weekly Event Fees: $6
Anyone interested should contact the Pro Shop at (860) 535-1898 to sign up or for more information.
Click here to download a copy of the 2025 Schedule when available.
Pequot Senior Golf League
The Pequot Senior Golf League conducts tournaments on Wednesdays beginning in April and running through November. Playing formats will vary from week to week. It is open to men age 55 or over. Come out and enjoy the course and the great guys of the Senior League.
Dues: $70, $10 Pequot Club Members (USGA Handicap Service Included)
Tee Times: 8:00 a.m.
Weekly Event Fees: $5, $4 Optional Gross, Net Skins
Senior Officers: Bob Bacewicz, Don Dias, Keith Greene, Bill Johnson and Hamish McArthur
Anyone interested should contact the Pro Shop at (860) 535-1898 to sign up or for more information.
Click here to download a copy of the 2025 Schedule when available.
RPGA (Private League)
Tee Times: 2:30 to 3:15 p.m.
Anyone interested should contact the Pro Shop at (860) 535-1898 or Jeff Kollwitz (860) 848-3998 to sign up or for more information.
Pequot 9 Hole Ladies League
Open to anyone interested.
Informal League; Weekly Events/Need USGA Handicap $60 (Available in Pro Shop)
Tee Times: 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Weekly Event Fees: $5
Anyone interested should contact the Pro Shop at (860) 535-1898 or Ada Turley (860) 437-0681 to sign up or for more information on the league.
Click here to download a copy of the 2025 Schedule when available.
Spark Golf League (Private League)
Tee Times: 5:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Anyone interested should contact the Pro Shop at (860) 535-1898 for more information.
East Lyme Business League (Private League)
Open to players of all abilities. Enjoy wonderful evenings walking or riding the golf course! No handicap needed.
Friday Late Afternoon
Tee Times Start at 4:00 p.m.
9 Holes of Golf
To join or get more information, contact Phyllis at (860) 608-7377 or Bob Hill at the Pro Shop at (860) 535-1898.